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Running Blogger Survey

I was “nominated” by Forks to Feet to do this Running Blogger Survey thingy, and I’m thinking why not?! This is how it works: “You answer the questions presented to you, then create your own questions, tag some of your favorite bloggers, and ask them to keep it going.”. These are the questions that Brandon over at Forks to Feet provided me with, and here are my answers:

1. How has blogging impacted your life (meeting people, learning new things, etc.)?

When I first started this blog I didn’t have any thoughts about the future at all. I was mostly starting it to have a place to write about my new love – running. You know how your partner, if not a runner, can get tired of listening to you going on and on and ON about running.. Yeah, that. That was my main reason to start this blog. As time went by though, I realized that this blog meant a lot to me. Connecting with other runners through my blog and twitter have been wonderful – very inspiring and motivating in both good times and in bad. I’m grateful for my followers – thanks to you I’ve had many good times, been uplifted when down, and motivated when not feeling it at all. So, thank you friends! I can only hope I can give you at least some of it back, because you are all worth it.

2. What was the most memorable comment you ever received on a blog post?

There has been so many supportive, inspiring and motivating comments left on my blog, which I love…..

…..Read the rest on the “real” evelinruns.com – I moved and I’d love for you to come with me. Update your bloglovin etc. Let’s have fun over there instead?!